
On Saturday 22nd of July was “Puzzle Mat” by Commune 6x3 


Together with commune we placed these mats in the shore of the Main river in Frankfurt am Main. The mats as a base for sharing a space, the minimum element for being together in the public space. On top of them we placed some paper and markers for drawing. The kids immediately got closer and started drawing without hesitating but grownups are much more shy when it comes to drawing. “I don’t know how to do it” is a recurrent phrase, when we all know how to draw.
This was an experiment of blending into the landscape and the activities of the place and also an exercise of re-examining the collective practices, its meaning, it’s use and how many elements are necessary for creating space. Thanks for sharing the project specially to Prashant who came all the way from Düsseldorf and also to the loving Sopo and Larry, with their amazing presence. Thank you. And also to everyone that passed by and shared with us.

Until next time